Project Name: Preliminary Study for Local DRR Governance


Interaction with the Minister for Internal Affairs and Law Ministry Biratnaga, State 1


Inspection on the flood risk reduction structural measures in Sunsari



Learning the gaps on Mock drill exercise to flood response in Inarwa, Sunsari



Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)


Province 1

Project Started Date


Project Completed Date


Project status


Description of the Actual Services Provided by the Firm

Reviewing forecast products of monsoon events of August 2017, review of local disaster risk reduction (DRR) tools adopted in the country, review of hazard and risk information of province 1, consultation at federal, province and local level of government agencies, DRM case study assessment, strengths and weakness of emergency response of the events, status of early warning system operation in the events,  analysis of approaches and tools for data generation, impact evaluation and integration of disaster risk, analysis of tools and practices for disaster preparedness and mitigation measures (structural and non-structural).