We will be happy to provide the training services if you ask us for the services in your interest and needs in the area of natural science and social science for humanitarian and development agencies.
  • Field visit to Dharmasthali for data collection for vulnerability and risk assessment, a part of the training
  • Training on DRR with a focus on Local Disaster Risk Management Plan Preparation to Norhla Helping people in the Himalayas
  • Participants using SDSM software for downscaling climate data
  • Training on Disaster Risk Reduction Specially Assessment and Planning to Promoted Agriculture, Health & Alternative Livelihoods (PAHAL), Mercy Corps, Nepal

Ongoing Training for 2019

S.N. Training Title Date Training modules and details
1. Capacity Strengthening in Climate Change Vulnerability, Risk and Adaptation Strategy Assessments in Agriculture Sector January 27-31, 2020
2. Capacity Building Training on Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk Assessment in the context of Water and Sanitation September 24-27, 2019

Download Application Form:

Upcoming Training

S.N. Training Name
1. Training on impact assessment of climate change vulnerability and risk in the context of on-farm based livelihoods
2. Professional trainings on impact assessment of climate change vulnerability and risk in the context of water and sanitation
3. Professional trainings on impact assessment of climate change vulnerability and risk in the context of tourism
4. Training on formulation of adaptation plan or risk reduction plan against climate change risk assessment for agriculture sector
5. Training on Capacity Building for Local Governments on disaster risk governance
6. Training on Risk Sensitive Land-use Assessment and Planning
7. Training on Beginner’s level Quantum GIS and its application
8. Training on climate change adaptation and disaster risk management and mainstreaming for development
9. Training course on resilient livelihoods: Disaster risk reduction for food and nutrition security
10. Training course on Faecal Sludge Management
11. Training Course on Inventory Development on WASH using Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) and Geographical Information System (GIS) Tools
12. Training Course on Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction for Sustainable Development
13. Training course on Urban Risk Reduction: Developing and Implementing Resilience Action Plans for Cities
14. Training Course on Urban Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience
15. Training course on quality control and assurance
16. Training on R Programming and its Application for Research and Development

Completed Training

S.N. Training Name Date
1. Training Course on Climate Vulnerability & Risk Assessment and Climate Adaptation Plan formulation in WASH sector 27-31 December, 2017
2. Training on School Safety Plans for Disaster Resilient School 15-19 March, 2017
3. Training on Urban Disaster Risk Reduction 6-8 March 2017
4. Training On Geographic Information System (GIS) and its Application From Basic to Advanced Levels January, 2017
5. Training of Trainers (ToT) of Formulation of Local Disaster Risk Management Plan (LDRMP) and Mainstreaming of CCA and DRR into Local Development Process 10-13 January, 2017
6. Training On Disaster Risk Assessment using GIS and VCA Tools 15-18 January, 2017
7. Training on Mainstreaming of Disaster Risk Management (DRM) into Local Development Process and Formulation of Local Disaster Risk Management Plan 27-30 November, 2016
8. Training on End to End Early Warning System and Flood Disaster Risk 3-5 June, 2016
9. Training On Geographic Information System (GIS) and its Application- From Basic to Advanced Levels 26th January, 2016
10. Training on R programming & its application for Research and Development 3, 4 & 5 February, 2016
11. Training On Downscaling Climate Change Projection For Climate Vulnerability Analysis and Adaptation Project Development  
12. Training on the Gorkha Earthquake Disaster Recovery in Changing Context  
13. Training on Building Capacity in Disaster Risk Management in the face of climate change 8-10 May, 2016
14. Training On Downscaling Climate Change Projection For Climate Vulnerability Analysis and Adaptation Project Development (Special package for MercyCorps Nepal ) 28-30 December, 2015
15. Training On Geographic Information System (GIS) and its Application- From Basic to Advanced Levels (For Plan International Nepal & WFO) 31st October to 30 November, 2015
16. Training on Flood Hazard Mapping using HEC-Geo-RAS Models for Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness Planning in Climate Change Context 10, 11&12 August, 2015
17. Training on Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction in Changing Context 8, 9, & 10 July, 2015
18. Training on Conceptualization of Disaster Risk Management and its integration into WASH in Climate Change Context (Special package for Centre for Integrated Urban Development) 30 & 31 August, 2015
19. Training on Drought Disaster Risk Resilience in Climate Change Context 15-17 April, 2015
20. Training on use of GIS in Disaster Risk Management (DRM) 8-10 March, 2015
21. Training on Disaster Risk Management in the face of climate change 18-20 February, 2015